EC Vice President Margaritis Schinas to deliver Summer School’s plenary speech
We are pleased to inform you that the Vice-President of the European Commission and responsible for the Promotion of the European Way of Life, Mr. Margaritis Schinas will deliver the keynote lecture at the Summer School “An.EU.Affair”: Policy Analysis. Social & Foreign Affairs of the EU ”.
Mr. Schinas will talk about the “European Way of Life: A Europe that protects, a Europe that empowers”, and he will refer to the need to build and support an EU that protects, empowers and defends its citizens.
Following his talk, a short discussion panel will take place with Professor Nicolas Demertzis from the University of Athens and Professor Konstantinos Hazakis from Democritus University and a short, moderated, Q&A session with the praticipants and audience.
Mr Schinas’ session is the perfect intorduction and as a foundation to to the school’s interdisciplinary program, which is organised in two strands: (a) EU Policy Analysis and (b) EU Social & Foreign Affairs. In the Policy Analysis strand, participants will have the opportunity to delve into content policy analysis, become familiar with the use of analytics software and techniques; in the Social & Foreign Affairs strnad, participantw weill be able to gain a comprehensive view of European integration, as well as information on EU global security and safety policies strategy, social policies, local policies and governance, but also multicultural diversity.
The Summer School will be held as an online event only. Register today to reserve your seat.
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